Waaaa!! Just came back from work about an hour ago. Super tired. Headed to work at 6.30am for stock check and finish at 8.30pm. Then the process of going home, eat and shower take about 30 minutes.
OK, let's rewind the day. Dennis dropped me at work in the wee hours. Then into the office I go. I was quite surprise to see so many staffs in the pantry, especially those whom I know personally when I first work there, May Ting, Chuck, Matthew, Vivien and Jerry who resigned some weeks ago. I'm kinda miss their faces haha. My manager called them the 'old stock'. haha. There were also older staffs than them who used to work there a year or a couple of years ago.
Current working staffs also present, Selene, Ning, Daniel, Calvin, Siew Poh, Chien Wei, Siti, Fiona, Shereen, Me. People I met were Nicole, Andrew, Lawrence, Kenny, Gim Lee, Wong and many more whom I don't know their name.
Manager Wendy gave the briefing of how to go about the stock check of the store. Then Thomas showed up late. Yesterday was his last day. Don't ask me why he was late. I don't know. The estimated time for the stock check to end was 6pm. Briefing went on till almost 8am.
Everbody knew what to do after that. Everyone got their 'gun' to 'shoot' on the binc code. There were also 6 laptops with the scanner, and I got the laptop! It's much faster and easier than the gun. The gun looked like a PDA phone with touch screen functions and has a lever to be pulled so that the red light scanner could detect the binc code. And now let the game begin!
It was quite fun at first. Something different and something I never done before. Selene said it will make us a better cashier. haha. I said it's the practice of aiming the scanner at the binc code accurately. hehe. When the scanning get started, the whole store is filled with beeping sound!!!
However, I was yet to get started. I got a faulty extension wire. Two out of the three wires got tercabut! Cannot connect! And Kenny said his laptop's battery spoiled, so have to depend on the power socket. So, I was waiting and helped up Selene a bit.
Then, I finally got it plugged after getting new extensions. I also needed a three plug power supply to accomodate to the many needs for power (electricity lah).
I had the help of Dolly the store manager to hold the book for me while I scanned it. It made the process speed up! After each shelf, I would tick on the paper to indicate that scanning is done, and a person who holds the counter role will count the books manually and jot it down on the tag pasted there on each shelves with it's four digit code number. I got the sports section, maps (not easy to scan!), business tables.
The process just went on and on. Same method. Then everyone break at 10am. Tuna and egg sandwich were provided. Then, we were back to business. With all the scanning sounds makes me think that those sounds sounded like in the hospital where the machine make similar sound to tell the patients' heartbeat.
We were so into our work that I feel that time pass by so quickly! The time taken to scan all the books in one shelf would take about 30 mins to 1 hour, depending on the quantity of the books. As for kids section, the books are quite small and thin, so it's a lot of work to scan them.
At 2.45 we went out for our lunch break. Quite late for lunch. Our usual lunch break is 2pm. At that time, the afternoon staffs came, Liang and Farid. They will be serving the customers after the stock check is fully completed, and those who came in the morning could go home. I taught Liang how to use the laptop and scanner so she could continue the work while I go for my break.
I came back in half and hour time after eating with Chien Wei, Selene and Fiona. We had our lunch at One Eight Eight although our break is for one whole hour. We immediately resume to our work because we want to go home early, as we heard that the branches in KL took a very long time, that is until the following day in the wee hours!!! That time I changed from using a laptop into using the gun scanner. The problem about it is, it only captures old bincs numbers and not the new bincs. As I proceed, I realized I shouldn't choose that particular shelf! That's because most of the books are new bincs number and I had to key in each number one by one! This will take longer time than a laptop scanner.
Hooi Fong came at 6pm. That's her shift. After the front section is completed, we all moved up to children section. That time the store opened at 6 something, and yet we continued scanning only that section. Everyone was crazy cracking joke and fooling around so much. But I was more quiet and focusing on my work. With all the other people scanning from all over the place could make me confuse. That's what happen to me since the beginning. Just imagine, continuous beeping all the time.
Finally, at 8.30pm, eveything was completed. My back ache, arm sores, tired and sweaty. The best part is, I could finally go home for a meal, shower, and online.