Sunday, November 16, 2008

Merely blogging

This is me reporting for news!
First up, I officially finish my internship (hooray for me!) BUT I am in debt of one more story to rewrite..sigh..but oh well, it's the job's demand!
So, here I am, although it is over, there are still works piling up for me to do! And here are the to do list!

1. Finish my write up, submit my daily diary to boss
2. Prepare my report and slides for my presentation
3. Home spring cleaning
4. Learn mandarin
5. Do what I like to do - hiking
6. Vacation Bible School (VBS) volunteer
7. Do eye check up
8. Practice my piano
9. Gear up for caroling
10. Drill my lil bro

Oh yea, btw, I kinda stumbled into an article written about the Easter celebration in college that I was involved, So here it is: Click here!
and compare it with this: Blog post archive
Next up, will be posting more pictures! including pix that i promised, that is, my b'day's pic!

Till then!


StylerDen said...

Hiking yes yes!!
hahaha.. Congrats once again to you my dear :)

Liagiba-Abigail said...

yea mannn!!