Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year Resolutions - to make them or not? to abide by it or not?

Look at how beautiful the sky is, keeps me ponder how wonderful are God's creation!
(click on pic for enlargement)

My heart is so full of many topics to post about, so choosing something to type about is ain't easy..

Let's talk about new year resolutions on my own perspectives.

Why do people set them, but at the end of the year, if they don't achieve much, how would they feel? Another disappointment? Self-condemnation? lowered self-image? totally feel useless and helpless about it?

On the other party, they said there's no point setting on resolutions on every head of the year as most of it are either unrealistic or too far to get hold to it, but heck, what is a resolution without extraordinary dreams to achieve within a year? Besides, it doesn't have to be in a time frame of a year, but could be like five years or ten years from now.

Rachel trying to wish for her new year resolution to come true..but...

Making resolutions yearly is not wrong, in fact, if it is done yearly, it would be a good check point to evaluate once more about the achievement done and what has to be done. Sometimes you would have to even look at the little things you achieve
everyday that could boost up your motivation to do more of it, as taking a little step each time will bring you a big leap!

....she's not sure it will work or not...

One tip of having your goals achieved is to set it within your reach and your limitations, for example, setting a desirable weight loss at a logical figure and not beyond what your body can't do.

But one thing I have decided, that is to take things a step at a time, little by little and a drop of water, and all of these could mount up to big steps, into large quantity, and to a big mighty ocean.

As for me, I used to set a lot of dreams, hoping to achieve them within a year, in which I set a lot of goals, but in the end, couldn't really achieve much. This is because, I perceive, that I had too many things in mind that in the end, I don't know where to start, how to start and when to start..and it drags on for months and then years..for example, I had been dreaming of mastering the mandarin language since like when I was younger as I was studying in a non-chinese speaking school, but till now, I still don't know how to read and write in chinese, what more speaking in it.

Check this out! Look at what 'big fish' that I caught in the wishing well...ngek ngek ngek...

Another example would be reading novels and story books. At home, I have a lot of them, and in fact it is one of my resolutions, that is to read them. Once in a blue moon I would think of reading them, stuffing my face on its first few pages for days and weeks just to finish the whole series of it, BUT I never touched them or even read a single line..I mean, not until that extreme, but as a habit, I would read the first few chapters of the book and then gave it up as I was distracted by other things. Afte
r for long, I began to lose interest on the story line, and began to forget what I read, so no point continuing where I started, so I left it unread..for months..and then years to come.

Next, is losing weight. I know, many girls do have this resolution or goal, but seriously, all I did was just jotting it down, and the next thing I do, is doing nothing about it. Not really a good thing.

My piano at home

As a pianist, I have this thought of being a good pianist, being able to read new music notes that I never played before and play it for the first time in a smooth manner. With that, I have to practice everyday without fail to achieve that. But when I am in front of my piano, barely half and hour, my eyes are switched away and glued to the dummy box. Besides dreaming of having a good sight reading, I also would like to score distinction in my piano exams and also knowing how to self-improvise a song intelligently, and it never come to surface as procrastination and laziness strikes.

Oh ya, before I forget, most of all, every time I try to learn a new piece of song, it would take months or even years for me to learn it, though it's simple because I just wouldn't wanna sit down and practice. I tried to practice song like "Kiss the Rain" by Yiruma on the piano, and has been months since I touch the song and I haven't master the song completely yet!! I even posted this song on my blog (upper right side) to inspire me to practice it, yet I didn't even move a muscle..

These are just a few that I named among the long list that i had in my mind or wrote it down. So, lesson here is, do one thing at a time, and most importantly is to FOCUS on what I do and stay close to it.

Abigail Tan

P/S: I am not saying not to dream big. You can do it, like inventing a helping robot or doing bungee jumping even though that you're small. Do keep that spirit, hold on to it, never give up, set your eyes on it and work hard and smart. AND

my apology for the unending words..hehe

1 comment:

StylerDen said...

Who says its hard? when u have a motivation? :P
let me be your motivation, and u be mine,
let me walk with you in an unending sight.
let me breath as you breath with me,
let me sing, to you and me :)

you are so amazing darling!!!!!!
so very bless to have you in my arms :)