Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Priority First!

We are given the time of our life here on earth for a purpose, and the time that we had here is gracefully given by God. Therefore, it is important to manage our time appropriately so that the time that we had won't go to waste.
Last week's sermon served as a reminder for me to really utilize my time fully. He (Tony, from US) mentioned FIVE keys in managing our time:

1. Set priorities (do what's important first)
2. Build relationships with God and others (meaningful relationships that will last)
3. Planning (to avoid last minutes and dissapoinments)
4. Clear the clutter
-schedule clutter
- emotional clutter
5. Be flexible (be prepared to make any changes)

Life's a brief candle, cherish it, use it to it's fullest while you can :)

1 comment:

Emmy said...

It's true to have priority in life as I don't think we all will have enough time to do what we want to do.