Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In silence she suffered
In her long journey
In the darkest moment of her life
In her deep thoughts
In seeking to find out the deepest things.

Long has she been
Long ago as she could remember
Long hair grown passed her shoulder
Long way to go still.

Unappreciated, unloved, uninterested
Hidden deep beneath the oceans
Numb in feelings
Aching to step out from it
Longing to breathe the fresh air by the shore.


StylerDen said...

Honey... in ur darkest moment i will bring a torchlight,
i watched ur hair grow longer by the days,
Appreciates, Loves, and very Interested in you..
i plunged down the ocean to rescue you,
and bring u to the mountains for a breeze of fresh air :)

Liagiba-Abigail said...

=) thanks =)